About me
Ever since childhood I had a dream that one day I’ll open a small shop where I’ll sell my creative work, and where it will always be warm and cozy like home. Years have passed, I graduated university, and found a well-paid job. But none of these made me happy. I had a feeling that I’m not in my place all the time. That’s when I started to think how to change it.
I always loved painting, but unfortunately classes in art school were expensive and my family wasn’t able to afford it. But during the first year of university I came across dot painting. It looked so beautiful and interesting that I decided to give it a try myself.
In 2019 I moved to the UK. Six months later I lost my remote job and still didn’t have a work permit in the UK. It was scary to lose regular income. But it was my chance to start something on my own!
I remembered my childhood dream - to open my small shop, where I’ll sell my crafts, and where it will always be warm and cozy like home - but due to circumstances, my dream took a slight turn towards an online store. At the moment when I decided to turn my hobby into business I only had just under £200, most of which were spent on materials and blanks for painting.
Thanks to daily practice, crooked ornaments became straight, fingers and hands started to hurt less, and eyes stopped begging for mercy. Bad mood became a less frequent guest, and hands stained with paint - a more normal state. For me as a perfectionist, the latter was the most difficult to get used to. But today I know for sure that every once crooked dot, every ruined blank, every nerve cell lost - and hands stained with paint cost me quite a few of those - every penny spent was worth it!
Today my crafts found their owners in the UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Australia and a number of other places. And I’m glad to share them with you!